March 28, 2005
Books what I have been reading


  • Outer Dark, by Cormac McCarthy. Cheery book set in an unnamed part of the old west about a young woman trying to find her son that had been left to die by her brother, who also fathered the child. That McCarthy makes this readable is evidence of his mastery of language and style; it reads like a fairy tale before the brothers Grimm got to them: dark, twisted, horrible. Recommended if that sounds like a recommendation to you.
  • The Life of Hope, by Paul Quarrington. One of Quarrington's earlier books, and typical for him it's very funny - it made me laugh out loud in several spots. The tale of an alcoholic writer fleeing Toronto to a small Ontario town called Hope in the hopes of finishing his second novel. Complications ensue, as they are wont to do. Recommended, as is pretty much anything by Quarrington, I've yet to be disappointed by one of his books.
Posted by Bill Stilwell at March 28, 2005 10:21 PM
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