June 02, 2000
"Patting self on back combined

"Patting self on back combined with transparent toadying Dept.": I was added to Camworld's weblog list! And Captain Cursor's! I really should add a list of my favorite weblogs - I can tell you that most of my hits have been from other weblogs, and I need to do what I can to promote my favorite weblogs (among which I count Camworld and Captain Cursor of course!) Something to do this weekend, especially if it keeps raining. Brilliant thunderstorms last night, though. Note - you can see my current weblog.com favorite list with Have Browser's travel listings. Alert readers will note the absence of Captain Cursor, this is because Taylor's bi-directional links, which makes weblogs.com think there's been an update when there hasn't been.

Posted by Bill Stilwell at June 02, 2000 12:00 AM
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