December 08, 2004
How We Work

I find this kind of stuff all kinds of interesting: How We Work:

We're interested in the habits, rituals and small (and occasionally big) methods people and teams use to get their work done. And in the specific anecdotes and the way people describe their own relationship to their own work. Here's a list of some stories and habits.

Choice quote, from J.G. Ballard: "Unless you're disciplined, all you end up with is a lot of empty wine bottles." Marginalia favorite Haruki Murakami takes this to extremes: "He swims and runs daily, and has run marathons in New York, Boston and Sapporo. He is in bed by 9 p.m. and up at 4. 'You need power to be a good writer.'"


Posted by Bill Stilwell at December 08, 2004 04:33 PM
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