October 21, 2003
Rape in South Africa

Just in case you're just feeling too damn good and want to depress yourself thoroughly: read this.

It is 10 years since the end of apartheid, since the moment when newly democratic South Africa was held up as a beacon of hope to the world. In 1994, this country had the highest rate of rape in the world; that is still true today. South Africa also has the world's highest rate of child rape, 60 a day -- a 400-per-cent increase in reported assaults in the past eight years. Only 5 per cent of perpetrators are convicted.

Ugly, horrid stuff.

Posted by Bill Stilwell at October 21, 2003 07:47 PM

Thanks....I just finished slamming down my phone in frustration from 'trying' to deal with ICBC. That news article puts it all into perspective. It's all small stuff compared to that....we've got it pretty damn good here in Canada. Hard to believe that things like that are still happening in this world. I'm going to go hug my kids now....

Posted by: Colleen on October 22, 2003 4:27 PM

It is just bad when I hear about young kids being raped. It makes me feel so sad.

Posted by: Sandra on March 18, 2004 11:34 AM

Pitty they have shut my case down!

Posted by: Lee on April 8, 2004 12:26 PM
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