Drunk Driving

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If you're going to go on a drunk driving rampage, you might as well do a good job of it.

One fire hydrant, one flower shop, one dog, and nineteen cars, not
including his own (I omitted pictures of four cars with minor damage).

The driver, I found out later, was drunk, from Texas, and had only one arm.

(via waxy)

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An anonymous webster has posted photos of the wreckage caused on June 15 in the San Diego area when Matthew Lyman, 24, allegedly smashed up 21 cars, a flower shop and a fire hydrant in Pacific Beach. Thanks to blogger... Read More

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I find the more I drink the better I am at manouvering my vehicle at high speeds.

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This page contains a single entry by was published on June 23, 2004 11:40 PM.

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