A Farewell


There's a species of cat owner that is convinced that their own personal feline is pretty much the best on the planet. For the past eight years I've been that kind of cat owner, as I shared my life with Mrrt, who joined us as Felicia from my sister, but quickly found a new onomatopoeic name thanks to her regular chatter. She's been a constant and welcome presence in my life as the us became just me, and it got to be impossible to imagine my apartment without her in it. Sadly, I'm going to have to start doing just that, as she died on Wednesday after a long decline from kidney problems. I am constitutionally allergic to being maudlin in public, but for her I'll make an exception: thanks for being part of my life. I'll miss you and always remember you fondly, and you really were the best cat on the planet.

PS: A big thanks to West King Edward Animal Clinic, who were always friendly and helped me keep her healthy for a long time.


Oh Bill, I'm so very sorry. She was indeed a great cat; a lovely temperament and lots of character. And could she take a great photo or what? I remember how grateful I was that you could take her when allergies wouldn't allow us to and I was so happy when it became clear to me that you really had been her intended keeper all along.

Of all the apartments she had to wander into when she was a very pregnant adolescent kitty, I'm glad she chose ours so that she could be an important part of your life.

Bill, I'm so sorry. I'm shedding some tears for you. There's something about having a cat with a certain personality, that just fits in your life and is that ever present constant through life. There's really no way to completely describe that relationship. But you know when you've had it.

Oh, Bill, so sorry to hear this :(

Awww, sweet kitty. I am so sorry for your loss. :(

Oh no, that is sad news. I am very sorry to hear about your loss.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by was published on June 10, 2009 10:44 PM.

So very sorry was the previous entry in this blog.

Year in Reading 2010 (Fiction) is the next entry in this blog.

This is marginalia.org, a weblog by Bill Stilwell. I take the occasional photo.


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